Follow the Sun....

A diary of Leigh & Rita's trip to the USA, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia,Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and a little add on, Barcelona.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wanaka - Thursday

So, back in the old dub,dub,dub Internet cafe in Wanaka.

We did a cracking walk yesterday, which took us into the Mount Aspiring National Park - scenery & weather were magnificent. Today it's raining, but warmer.

After the kayaking trip a couple of days ago we managed to lose between us a red swimming costume, a black waterproof (complete with room key in pocket) and a little white towel. It must have been all the excitement.
Fortunately the guys who run the Kayak place have kept them safe for us and in fact, I've just picked them up.
Most unlike us two to lose anything!.

You may have noticed Rita's not been blogging for a while. Do not assume that you are spared. She will be back - and with a vengeance.
At the moment she's gone to try & sort our phones out. We're still being charged at about #3 (where's that pound sign gone?) a minute for UK calls. So when some tenant calls saying that they need a lightbulb replacing it becomes a very expensive business for us. Talking of tenants, for any football (or should I qualify that somewhat), Derby County fans out there, we have a certain Jon Stead renting a property. It's the first time I've ever hoped a R*ms player would do well for the club - poor chap's only on a 3 month contract apparently.


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