Follow the Sun....

A diary of Leigh & Rita's trip to the USA, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia,Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and a little add on, Barcelona.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Reflections on Rarotonga

Now that there's bit of distance (2500 miles) and 2 days, between me and Rarotonga, I've been reflecting on what a wonderful place it is.
O.K., when I first arrived , I entertained such thoughts as, "blimey - there's nowt in the shops" and "all the cars are clapped out" and "what are all these dogs and hens doing strolling around the streets". Well, yes all that still applies, but the reasoning behind it is now clearer.
Rarotonga is the antithesis of the Consumer Society. Any goods that are sold here, excepting fruit & vegetables have to be imported.
The nearest major countries to Rarotonga are NZ (2000+ miles), West coast of USA (4000 + miles) and Australia (2000+ miles). Rarotonga has only one tiny port (and a population of around 10,000 + a smattering of tourists to feed), so it would be totally impractical to import the many varities of produce that we in the West enjoy.
The Hens are truly free range, the dogs seem to live idyllic lives basking in the sun and running along the beach. They dogs seem as laid back as the people. I think there are so many dogs here because when asked where they wanted to live, the nearest place name that could be detected in their answer was RARO - TONGA.
Tha cars are clapped out, because there is no urgent need for them and posessions don't equal status here. There is one road which circumnavigates the Island - it's 20 mile long (or round). Not much point having your 6 litre V12 SUV here.

The great thing about Rarotonga, is it's very remoteness.
It will never become a major holiday destination, but just be the place one comes across when travelling between Los Angeles and Aukland.

It's so tranquil and relaxed and those beautiful blue lagoons, with the white beeches and the soft breezes blowing through the palm trees.......

Enough. I must crack on.


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